Capturing Leads that will Convert with the Right Calls to Action

Capturing Leads with the Right Calls-to-action

Having a nice website and blogging regularly will drive people to your site, but how are you capturing leads? You need to turn visitors into leads and leads into sales. It takes the right call-to-action (CTA) — the right, enticing offer.

Capturing Leads Needs the Right Lead Magnet

  1. Know your target market well. What are their pain points? What are the problems that you’re going to solve for them? What are their likes and dislikes? What are they searching for online? Has that changed recently?
  2. Have an enticing giveaway. What would your target want or need so much that they’ll give you their name and email address? Ask them no more than 2 or 3 questions on the form to segment your list. For instance, a company that sells online parenting classes needs to know the age of the children. Otherwise, they will try and sell a parent of teenagers, on how to deal with toddlers. Keep the CTA visible on all your pages including your blog. Use a pop-up plugin — yes, I know they are annoying, but they work.
  3. Follow up with a personalized email based on their answers. That’s marketing automation – guide them through your buying journey or process to the sale.

This infographic from Productive and Free has 20 lead magnet ideas…

20 lead magnet ideas for your website to grow your email list

Not sure what will work for you? Let’s start with a free 15-minute phone consult and analysis of your online marketing efforts. Click here to schedule.

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