Social Media Marketing

Get the Most from Your Social Media Marketing with a Detailed Strategic Plan

Every business that is going to market itself on social media needs a cohesive, strategic plan. Marketing on social media without a plan is like driving a Ferrari in first gear! There are certain steps you need to take to have an effective social media strategy. If you jump in without a strategic plan, you’ll […]

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Customer focus for better reach

Customer Service and Social Media: Are You Losing Sales?

Since the start of the social media marketing revolution, customer service has been real-time. People are likelier to tweet a question or post a complaint on Facebook before picking up the phone. Seriously, when was the last time you talked to a live person when calling customer service or tech support? At least within the

Customer Service and Social Media: Are You Losing Sales? Read More »

What You Need to know to Plan Your Online Marketing for Success

What You Need to know to Plan Your Online Marketing for Success

Strategically planning your online marketing is a crucial, first step for any business that needs to reach new potential customers! This outline will help you plan your online marketing — whether you’re a brand-new startup or an established business that needs to revamp its online marketing efforts. Online Marketing Essentials Today’s digital marketing is daunting.

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target market - focus on people first in your online marketing

Social Media Marketing Strategy: Think Like Your Target Market

One of the stumbling blocks that many small businesses face when delving into social media marketing is that you’re too attached to your business. You know your product, service, or industry inside and out. Who you really don’t know is your target market. You feel your product or service is the best and the greatest.

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Can our Facebook page initially serve as our website?

Can your Facebook Page Initially Serve as your Website?

Just about everybody’s on Facebook! However, even though Facebook provides free business profile pages, should you use that as your only online marketing tool? And what about other social media platforms like YouTube or LinkedIn? How about your own website? Yes, your Facebook or other social media page can serve as a website, but I

Can your Facebook Page Initially Serve as your Website? Read More »

social media marketing

Effective Social Media Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

As a small business, budgets are tight — especially in these uncertain economic times. Moreover, any entrepreneur knows that marketing — especially social media marketing — is a key factor for any business that wants new customers. Fortunately, today’s social media and digital marketing tools, are free to use if you know how to use

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