It happens. Sales go stagnant… not growing. You’re doing everything right… blogging… posting to social media… videos… monthly newsletters… basically everything you can do without spending extra cash… just sweat equity. You have no reach.
However, traffic to your site hasn’t grown… you haven’t gotten any new Facebook likes or Instagram or X (formerly Twitter) followers in a while… and no one has downloaded your freebie offer in months (Conversions).
What’s going on?
You’ve saturated your market. You are preaching to the choir and not getting any new eyes on your content. Obviously, you have to expand your audience. How? By spending a little money.
Who are you trying to reach?
First, you must have your target market(s) clearly identified. You can’t do successful paid advertising without this! (Get a Free Workbook)
Which Network(s)?
Second, you must figure out which network they frequent the most. (This post on How to Reach the Generations on Social Media will help.) And, you have to do some research. Additionally, check out your competition.
Age brackets aside, if you’re trying to reach the consumer (B2C), you should focus on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram even Snapchat. If you’re B2B (Business-to-Business), you should focus on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook. Yes, Facebook. Related: B2B or B2C or both?
Everybody’s on Facebook.
What’s really neat, is you can pick EXACTLY who you want to reach:
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Income
- Interests
- And much more!
How much does it cost?
Well, you set your budget.
For instance, for past client, we wanted to promote a class on “How to Start a Nonprofit Organization”. They had saturated the market and needed to expand their reach.
On Facebook, we found people interested in charities, causes and nonprofits. We set a budget of $60 for the whole promotion. You’re charged based on how many people click on the ad. That’s a Click-Thru Rate or Pay-Per-Click (PPC).
We figured that if a person with those interests saw the event post, if they themselves weren’t interested, they might know someone who was. And that’s exactly what happened! We saw in the comments area of the event, several people “tagging” a friend.
Tagging is mentioning a friend in a post or comment. Usually they think the friend would be interested in the post. The friend is notified, thus expanding your exposure (reach).
Each network is different. Advertising is how the networks make money. Furthermore, paid social media advertising works — especially if you’ve saturated your market and need to reach new eyes.
Yes, you need to budget advertising dollars. What’s more, you can test ads by spending just $25.
You need to ask yourself — what you want to accomplish?
Usually going from marketing to sales goes in this order…
- More traffic to your website?
- Growing your email list — converting visitors to leads?
- More sales — nurturing leads into sales?
You can’t grow sales until you get interested people. You can’t get interested people unless you have website.
Then, think of an eye-catching, curiosity-piquing headline and sub-headline. Put sufficient information again, to pique curiosity and desire to get more information. Finally, link it to a landing page with the final product/offer.
The landing page should not have any other information other than the offer. No links to anything else but the call-to-action. You don’t want your interested party to get distracted with other links.
Try different offers and headlines and see which one works best. What’s nice about online advertising is everything is tracked so you know what your ROI (return on investment) is. If you spend $50 on an ad that generates $500 worth of sales, then your ROI is $450. That works.
What’s also nice is that all of the networks have very helpful sites explaining how their ads and tracking work. It’s how they make money so they want you to be successful.
There are no guarantees in online marketing, so make sure you’ve got the right budget and are ready to spend money to test your marketing abilities.
Yes, it may seem complex and overwhelming. However, when you think it all out and put yourselves in your target market’s shoes — and see everything from their eyes — you’ll be able to create marketing and advertising campaigns that work.