So many Social Media Networks! Which are best for my Business?

which network?

Do you find that thinking about marketing your business using the social media networks is overwhelming? Don’t feel bad. You’re in a big boat with many other small business owners. So many social media networks to choose from!

What you need to do to is figure out which of the social networks will work best for you…

social media marketing

It’s basically taking a step back and getting to know who your target audience is and then getting to know them through research. Followed by developing a strategic marketing plan and then a tactical plan. The media options may be different from “back in the day”, but it comes down to the basic marketing rules first.

  1. Analyze what’s working and not working with your current marketing. Are you making these digital marketing mistakes?
  2. Define your target market(s). (This free workbook will help you.)
  3. Do some research – which networks do they use? If you find that your market is not on certain networks, then you don’t have to be on them. (Unless you want SEO). Here is a guide to online research resources.
  4. Set some SMART Goals.
  5. Put together a strategic marketing plan to help you achieve those goals.
  6. Outline a tactical plan, which is basically a to-do list to implement your strategies.
  7. Learn how to properly use the tools that help you manage it all. (And it can be done in 30 minutes a day!)
  8. Do it – blog, post, engage
  9. Monitor and measure

Which Social Media Networks Should you Focus on?

Focus on the social networks that…

  • Are driving the most traffic to your website — your analytics will tell you this.
  • The ones where you’re building good relationships
  • Your target audience frequents the most — both customers and referral sources!


In conclusion, you need not be overwhelmed. That’s what I’m here for! Let’s schedule a free 15-minute Zoom call and I can review you current marketing efforts and give you some tips.

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