The Social Savvy Consumer

The Social Savvy Consumer

Back in the day, whenever you purchased something, the advice was, buyer beware. Before you bought something or hired someone, you had to see credentials, check reviews, or asked a friend or colleague.

However, today’s buyers are savvier and more demanding. They expect more. And, if you can’t provide content they can actually use, they will go elsewhere.

Today’s Consumer is Social Savvy

They know where to look. They know who to ask. They know.

People buy from whom they know and trust.

Why You Need to Become Social Savvy

To be successful in today’s marketing, you need to know your target market inside and out. Moreover, you need put yourself in their shoes. Where are they hanging out online? What are they going to enter into the search box to find you? When they have a problem (a pain point) where are they going for answers? How are you going to solve their pain point? Becoming social savvy is not that difficult!

Why do People go Online?

the social savvy consumer
  • To be entertained
  • They need or want something
  • They have a problem and are seeking help
  • To know what’s going on, see what happened and what’s happening, curiosity, see what’s trending
  • To keep up with their friends and family
  • Learning about the latest products
  • To keep up with fashion and style
  • Keeping up with celebrities

When your potential customer discovers your website, what do they find?

social savvy consumer
  • Articles with answers to their problems?
  • Stories about people like them who have the same issues and how your business solved their problem?
  • An easy-to-see, clear, call-to-action where they can join a list, get a freebie or more info? Entertainment?

Nevertheless, when a person finds you on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Pinterest, Instagram, or LinkedIn, what will they find?

  • A logo or graphic that’s cut off?
  • A cover graphic that’s fuzzy or has text that is blocked by page features?
  • Or good, quality graphics that instantly tell them what it is that you do?
  • Your last post was over 2 years ago, a few months, weeks, days or hours ago?
  • The posts are all about how great the business is — selling, selling, selling?

Having an incomplete or fuzzy-looking social media page is like having a sloppy lobby.

Furthermore, these pages are your company’s online image. Everything from pictures, the about section, and what you’re posting, is part of your brand. What does it say about you?

Are you Social Savvy? Or does your online image say that you clearly don’t know what you’re doing?

Folks, if you haven’t figured it out by now, Social Media is not going away. You either have to have your act together and get in game or start planning to close or sell your business.

Start here: Download the Free Define Your Target Market Workbook to find your niche.

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Free Download: Define Your Target Market Workbook

Then do some research – where are they hanging out online? Which networks do they prefer?

What’s more, learn about the networks. They are like foreign countries with their own culture and lingo. Find communities where your target markets are as well as referral sources.

Additionally, make sure your social media profiles and website are optimized for search (SEO). Each of the networks has their own powerful, internal search engine.

If you keep doing what’s not working expecting different results – that’s insanity!

Remember, not being Social Savvy is no longer an excuse. I wrote an ebook with you in mind! It’s a step-by-step guide for you to create your own digital marketing strategic plan. Download your copy now!

The Blueprint: Strategies for Effective Social Media and Digital Marketing
The Blueprint: Strategies for Effective Social Media & Digital Marketing Your Total Digital Marketing Strategy Solution!
Get it on Amazon Kindle!

Click here to schedule a free, 15-minute phone consultation so we can analyze your current online efforts and help decide the best direction for your company.

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