Digital Marketing Articles
Valuable marketing tips and information to help your small business thrive online!
Why You Need to Use Categories and Tags in Your Blog Posts
What would you do if I told you that taking a few seconds to do something that will improve your search engine optimization (SEO),…
12 Website Mistakes You Need to Fix for Success
“My online marketing isn’t working! I have a website, but I’m not getting any sales (or generating any leads)! What am I doing wrong?…
Top 12 Blogging Mistakes You Need to Fix Now!
Blogging is a crucial part of online marketing in today’s digital world. Even if you’re blogging regularly, at least a few times a month,…
Videos: Make the Best of the 2 Sides of LinkedIn and Unleash its Power
LinkedIn is way more than a place for job seekers. If that’s the last time you used it, then you’re missing out on a…
Do You Want to go Viral? Tell Stories that Provoke Emotions
Here’s an excellent example of a viral video for a brand that actually rejected it. It’s what’s called “user-generated content”. A fan of a…
What You Need to Know to Build Your Website for Effective Results
I was once asked, could my Facebook business page serve as my website. No. Your website is yours. Social media profiles should be your…
To Sell or Not to Sell: What is the Right Ratio on Social Media
To sell or not to sell: that is the question. What is the right ratio on social media of selling vs. non-selling posts? Seriously,…
Digital Immortality: What Happens to Social Media Profiles when Owners Die?
Yes, it’s a morbid subject, but I have to raise it because it just breaks my heart to see birthday announcements for a friend…
How Often Should You Blog for Marketing Success?
Let’s start with why you need to blog regularly. Here are the benefits of blogging… It helps with SEO – search engine optimization –…
How to Use Visual Marketing to Boost Your Brand and Sales
Everywhere you look you see visual marketing — pictures, photos, graphics, animations, and/or videos. What are today’s visual marketing trends, platforms, and tools? If…
5 Strategic Ways to Create Effective SEO Content in 2024
Good content is the foundation of effective search engine optimization (SEO). Therefore, it behooves a wise person to plan out and create content regularly…
How to Make Multiple Personal & Professional Profiles on Facebook for More Reach!
Are you a professional or wanna-be influencer? Did you know that you can have multiple personal profiles on Facebook? Furthermore, you can upgrade to…
Astonishing Report! Teens Abandon Facebook AND TikTok for You’ll Never Guess Where…
If you’re trying to reach the Gen Z — teens — you’ll not find them on Facebook anymore! Amazingly, they’re not flocking to TikTok…
How Much Should a New Business have in their Marketing Budget?
Marketing is an essential function of any business that wants to draw new customers. Whether B2B or B2C (or both), you must promote your…
What is Inbound Marketing? Get Found Online
Face it. In today’s world, if you want to get new business, you need to be actively marketing online — and it’s called “Inbound…
Why I Prefer WordPress for Websites
Back in 1995, I discovered the World Wide Web. Thus, I learned how to write HTML code and launched my business creating websites, Creative…
Why You Need to Assure Your WordPress Website is Secure
The last thing you need when you’re trying to run your business is to discover that your WordPress website was hacked. More than likely,…
What Makes Good, Quality Content Marketing for Today
One thing that hasn’t changed much in the last few years in content marketing is that Content is still King — and it still…
5 Reasons Why Your Marketing is Failing and How to Fix the Problem
You came up with a brilliant idea, set up a website and placed ads on Facebook. However, your marketing is failing. The ads are…
When Outsourcing – Keep it Local
Sure you want to save money, but it may cost you big time in the long run! What am I talking about? Outsourcing your…
How to get SEO for a new Website or a Neglected One?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – everyone with a website wants it. Yet, it can sometimes be elusive if not done properly. Now, I am…
Carve out the Time to do Your Marketing Successfully
When business owners — no matter what size their business is — discover how much time is involved in doing their own marketing, they…
Get Found On Social Media – they’re as Powerful as Google
The main social media networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, each have very powerful internal search engines and algorithms that rival Google….
11 Easy Ways to Grow Your X (Formerly Twitter) Followers & Get Noticed
Why bother with Twitter? Because you want exposure and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Simple. You want to build a following or a “platform”. Twitter…