Before you blog or even set up your website, you must do some keyword research. There are many tools out there, but since we need to follow Google’s rules, what better tool to use than the Google Keyword Tool? (Did you know that Google now has 90% of all global searches?)
First, put yourself in your target market’s shoes. What are they going to enter into the search box to find you? The problem is what YOU THINK they are going to enter is probably not what they are actually entering. This video will show you how to use the tool…
How to Use the Google Keyword Tool for Search Engine Optimization
Keyword Tool Steps
- Pick 10 keywords, phrases or questions that you think your target may enter into the search box
- Select your geographic area — you can always adjust this later.
- Add your website — you can remove it later if you think it’s skewing your results
- Look at the results
- Look for words or phrases that have high monthly searches and low to medium competition
- Go back and forth adding and removing words until you come up with a good list
If you’re in a highly competitive industry like health and wellness, you may be stuck with high competition keywords. Moreover, keep in mind that the higher the competition, the more strategic your keyword and content strategy has to be.
You can download your list as a spread sheet. Sort it by the monthly search count with the highest on top. The keywords with the highest search volume will be the ones you want to use for blog titles, headings and subheadings on your pages and articles. Furthermore, add them to your categories and tags, as well as the meta description.
You may want to use this tool before you create a blog article so you can determine which keywords will work best in the title. This list also gives you topics to blog about! What better topics to use to showcase your expertise than what people are actually searching for?
If you’d like some assistance with this, we can talk! Click here to schedule a free 15-miute phone consult.