Technology – you can’t live without it and sometimes it just doesn’t work like it should. We’ve all had computers crash and Internet connections die on us. So what do you do when technology doesn’t work right?
I taught a client how to share her boss’s blog posts with Sendible and one time she emailed me all stressed out that the post didn’t post on Facebook like it should have. It’s not if, it’s when you’ll have a technology problem.
So here’s what’s going on with the technology…
There are several entities involved here...

- Your computer, its speed, and memory. Recently that happened when we were trying to stream live. The computer’s memory was full and the audio was choppy. We had to delete stuff and reboot.
- Your Internet connection – whether hard-wired (plugged in directly – usually much faster) or WiFi network.
- Your browser
- The third-party tool you’re using like Sendible.
- The social network — Yes, they do go down at times.
- The social network’s API – that’s the code that makes it possible to schedule posts for the future and interact with the network
- User error
- Weather — Believe it or not, an electrical storm nearby can mess with WiFi signals.
- Cyberattacks — Lately, the most frequent problem is cyberattacks. Check out Bitdefender’s Live Threat Map or CheckPoint’s Cyber-Threat Map — it’ll blow your mind. We are constantly being bombarded with attacks or infections (worms and viruses). Related: WordPress Security
So here’s what you can do when technology fails you…

- Refresh the page you’re working on whether it’s Sendible or another 3rd-party tool, browser, or even the social network itself.
- Try a different browser. I recommend always having at least one other web browser besides the default one on your computer. I like Chrome and Firefox. Make sure they are updated. Set them to auto-update.
- If that doesn’t work, check your modem. You may have lost your Internet connection.
- Did you goof? We’re not perfect. We all make mistakes. Try again.
- If you’re short on time, just post it directly into the social network bypassing the 3rd-party tool.
- If the problem is on the social network, try later.
- If the problem persists, search for the issue online or on the help systems of whatever you’re using. Sometimes if one entity is having issues, they will post it on their website. Usually, if X (formerly Twitter) is not affected, people will be posting the issue. Funny, when there’s a problem or crisis, they still turn to Twitter!
Also, remember that the major networks have many employees working on the site at any given time which may affect how it functions.
Here are a couple of sites to check out:
- DownDectector — if you suspect one of the social networks, your Internet or cellphone service, or any other service is down, you can check here.
- Is it Down for Everyone or Just Me — If you think your website is down or a service or site that you use, you can check it here. Facebook could have shut you out for some reason. Usually, they would have sent you an email. This is a good place to check. If it’s just you, make sure your browser is updated, then close it and relaunch. If it’s not you, then it’s beyond your control.
Whatever it is, don’t stress out. Just try it later. Or maybe something’s changed and you need a little refresher course.
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