Save Time and Help Your Business Grow with Email Marketing Automation

How to Increase Sales with Marketing Automation

You’ve got a fabulous WordPress website and you’re blogging regularly. You’re sharing your blog articles on your social networks and driving people to your website. You’ve got a terrific call-to-action (CTA) offer and are getting visitors to convert into leads. NOW WHAT? Are they being nurtured into sales? Probably not. Are potential warm leads falling through the cracks? Here’s where marketing automation (MA) comes in.

Marketing Automation Workflow

Affordable Marketing Automation

I’m sure you’ve heard of HubSpot and Keap (formally Infusionsoft). They are some of the giants in MA. However, their price tag may make it difficult for the little guy to afford. Enter MailChimp. You can start your Marketing Automation with the MailChimp Essentials plan for just $13/month! Choose the right plan that works for your business. Remember, start small and grow into it.

So how does Marketing Automation Work?

This short video from WishPond explains it…

Basically, Marketing Automation helps you…

  1. Focus on what your customers want.
  2. Let the system do the hard and time-consuming work for you.
  3. Improve the customer experience.
  4. Lead potential customers through the buying cycle.
  5. Develop relationships with your potential customers.
  6. Send your potential customers targeted content.
  7. Save a lot of TIME! It’s set it and forget it. Sure, you need to check the analytics to see if it’s working,

Segment Your Email List to Personalize Marketing Messages

For instance, if you have 3 distinct products — one for college students, the other for millennials, and the 3rd for GenXers. When someone clicks on that CTA, the landing page form should ask them for…

  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Age bracket – with 3 choices

(No more than 3 questions. You can always segment them more later with subsequent emails.) Based on their answer, they should get …

  1. A welcome email with an enticing offer to download
  2. In a few days, they get an email with a video to watch or a link to a blog article that pertains to their age bracket.
  3. If they watch the video or click on the blog, then they get another email with yet another article that walks them further to buying.

Furthermore, at the end of your blog posts, you ALWAYS want to have another CTA. You’re more likely to get the shopper to buy if you’re showing them things that interest them. Obviously, the college student isn’t going to want to see the product for the GenXer and vice-versa. Of course, if they buy at any time, they go into yet another MA campaign catered to new customers. It just keeps going. Moreover, this helps with customer retention. Undoubtedly, it’s easier and costs less to KEEP a customer than to constantly obtain new ones.

My favorite email marketing service is MailChimp. Instead of my having to do a video from scratch, showing how it works, I found this excellent one for you…

The video below from Media Leaders shows you how to set up Marketing Automation on MailChimp:

All this might be a bit overwhelming for you. I offer 1:1 digital marketing coaching to help get you on the right track. Click here for details.

(See, that’s a CTA!)

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